*Hi! What would you like me to post on, I’m open to suggestions…*

I checked my stats and it seems that the numbers are about split between US and Panama viewers. I started the blog thinking that most of the views would be from the US, folks considering moving somewhere, perhaps here in Panama, specifically here in David. I only write about what I know, but I’m open to suggestions, questions, or ideas.

I try to provide posts to help folks figure out what they want so the can get what they want. I used to love the Joe Jackson song pushing the same idea, “You Can’t Get What You Want”(till you know what you want) which I generally agree with.

Let’s find out WHAT YOU want. Please let me know:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you’d prefer to contact me offline I can be reached at info@thepanamaadventure.com.



20 thoughts on “*Hi! What would you like me to post on, I’m open to suggestions…*

  1. One of the subjects I really enjoy reading about is the Why you chose to move to Panama over other places and How you made your decision. When I first began my research on where to go I discovered expat blogs and found them hugely helpful but the one thing that seemed to be missing the most from the blogs I followed was just that, why did you choose the place you chose and what process , if any, did you go through to make that decision. I also just enjoy reading about your day to day adventures and you are really a great photographer, love your pictures! It was a really great idea to get input from your readers! I hope you dont mind, I might have to copy you on my blog and see if I get any suggestions! Cheers!

  2. Hi! Both you & Kris share fabulous photos! They’re always a great pleasure to view as are the practical subjects you write about. Are there single people living in the area? How would a single adult retired woman fare there? Thanks!

    • Hi Deanna,
      Thanks for the compliments, we take a lot of pictures and try to post the best of the lot. Kris has a great eye and I get some lucky shots sometimes.

      I do see some (apparently single) adult retired North American women in the supermarkets and on the streets. I haven’t met any yet to ask how they are doing but it appears they are doing alright. I’m in David you could post on the Yahoo Group “Gringos in David” or on the Boquete Ning site. There are a few single posters on both sites and you will probably get some replies. Keep a grain of salt nearby:
      And let us know what you learn, please!

      Thanks again,

    • Hi Deana! There are quite a few single expat women in Boquete and they seem quite happy. There is a strong expat community there with lots of activities and things to get involved in. Here in David I think you would need to speak at least some Spanish. Then you could make friends more easily and feel less isolated. The Panamanian people in general are very friendly and welcoming, and I think you would be safe and comfortable here, and easily accepted. You are friendly and easy to be around and people here would love you 🙂

  3. Hi guys….thanks for the info…i signed up to a couple of the yahoo group, Joel. thanks Kris for the positive comments. i was born in New Amsterdam, Guyana…i immigrated to the United States as a hispanic, even though i had a British passport. i love friendly people!

    • Are you looking at Panama as a possible place to live? If you want to visit and check it out, you know you have friends here 🙂 I did think you were British. It’s gets more interesting the more I learn about you!

      • Kris….it’s possible in a couple of years i might seriously move….not sure where. Panama sounds like a happy place!. right now my condo is still way below what i paid. there have been very slight signs that the market is changing a little in the right direction.

      • Panama is #1 in the world for happiness! There was a gallup poll recently. Southgate was really improving when we left, so hopefully the rest of Florida will also come along soon. And, the cost of living here is a fraction of what it was there.

  4. hi joel, i think your panama adventure is great. i’d like to see more of the local people, your neighbors and what they are doing all day.

  5. LOL Joel! Welcome to blogging! I think you had a lot of people thinking Kris had a second blog!

    My suggestion? Kris has a take from the woman’s side of things so how about you talking about the guy side? For instance what are the challenges at the hardware store, the taller? Do you do your own yard work or have someone do it for you? Why? Are you finding that your roles have changed since you moved here? Are you taking español lessons and how are you feeling about learning a new language? Darn, I think now I’ve given you some of my blog topics! We’re seeing things through Kris’s eyes, now how about yours?


    • Hi Angela-
      Seems that most everyone likes food posts and why not, eating is
      universal and done so many times a day! Kris, my wife and fellow blogger, ThePanamaAdventure

      have and will post more about our food adventures. Right now I'm consumed with getting my Ma
      back to Portland, Maine. We're looking at 75 State Street and thinking it would be nice.
      Thanks for taking the time to comment.

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